Hello, hello!

Welcome to the first product review on the blog!!! Yay!!! I am here to talk about a bath bomb that I received in a subscription box add on sale.

Do Hugs Have the Good Drugs?

These were about $5 per bath bomb, I got the Grapefruit and Lavender options, and that’s about what the are worth. I was super bummed that they didn’t work as well as other CBD infused bath bombs that I’ve used before. When you find a good quality CBD bath bomb it’s like having a bath in water that relaxes you into a puddle of happy. It’s so nice to relax after a demanding day whether it be at the office, at home with the kids or after reading about the state of the world we live in.

To Sum Up… No

10/10 do not recommend, honestly the most disappointing part of the entire experience was that they didn’t even make the water fun. No foam after the first 5 minutes or so, if you aren’t going to use good quality oil you could at least make the foamy fun last longer ya know? I added additional topical oil that I had on hand to the bath to increase the therapeutic benefits of the hot water. Oh well, next up for review is the Prima Bath Gem, I will report back once I try it.